11.04.2024 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District): Washington Street
Unten der High Line Park. Rechts im Hintergrund das Whitney Museum of American Art.
| Gansevoort Market | Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District | Washington Street | Whitney Museum of American Art |
11.04.2024 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Blick vom High Line Park: Chelsea (links) / Greenwich Village - Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) mit West 14th Street
| Chelsea | Gansevoort Market | Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District | West 14th Street |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) - Zugang zum High Line Park
Rechts die Washington Street.
| Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District | Washington Street |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) - Zugang zum High Line Park
Im Hintergrund die Gansevoort Street.
| Gansevoort Street | Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Blick vom High Line Park: Greenwich Village - Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District)
Kreuzung Washington Street / Gansevoort Street.
| Gansevoort Street | Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District | Washington Street |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) mit High Line Park und Washington Street
Rechts die Gansevoort Street. Links im Hintergrund The Standard, High Line.
| Gansevoort Street | Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District | The Standard, High Line | Washington Street |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) mit High Line Park und West 13th Street
Diagonal verlaufend die Washington Street.
| Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District | Washington Street | West 13th Street |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) mit High Line Park und The Standard, High Line
| Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District | The Standard, High Line |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) - High Line Park
| Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) - High Line Park
| Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
Blick vom High Line Park: Greenwich Village - Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) mit West 14th Street
| Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District | West 14th Street |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) - Gansevoort Street, Whitney Museum of American Art
Links The West Coast.
| Gansevoort Street | Greenwich Village | Meatpacking District | The West Coast | Whitney Museum of American Art |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District)
V.l.: Village Pointe Condominiums, Newton Lofts, Hudson Street, Herring Building, 9th Avenue, SoHo House, Kelly Building.
| 9th Avenue | Greenwich Village | Herring Building | Hudson Street | Kelly Building | Meatpacking District | Newton Lofts | SoHo House | Village Pointe Condominiums |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: West 14th Street
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: West 14th Street - 344 West 14th Street
| 344 West 14th Street | Greenwich Village | West 14th Street |
27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: West 14th Street - Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Bernard's Church
| Greenwich Village | Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Bernard's Church | West 14th Street |
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
West Village (Greenwich Village): 7th Avenue
Im Hintergrund One World Trade Center.
| 7th Avenue | Greenwich Village | One World Trade Center | West Village | World Trade Center |
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
West Village (Greenwich Village): McCarthy Square
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
West Village (Greenwich Village): 7th Avenue
| 7th Avenue | Greenwich Village | West Village |
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
West Village (Greenwich Village): 7th Avenue
| 7th Avenue | Greenwich Village | West Village |
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
West Village (Greenwich Village): Horatio Street
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
West Village (Greenwich Village): Abingdon Square Park
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
West Village (Greenwich Village): Bank Street
| Bank Street | Greenwich Village | West Village |
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
West Village (Greenwich Village): Washington Street - High Line Park
Ehem. West Side Line (West Side Freight Line) durchquert den Western-Electric-Komplex.
| Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Washington Street | West Village |
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
West Village (Greenwich Village): Südliches Ende des High Line Park
Rechts im Hintergrund The Standard.
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
West Village (Greenwich Village): Blick vom High Line Park auf Hudson River und New Jersey
Im Vordergrund die Baustelle des Whitney Museum of American Art.
| Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Hudson River | West Village |
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
West Village (Greenwich Village): High Line Park
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
West Village (Greenwich Village): High Line Park
Oben The Standard.
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
West Village (Greenwich Village): High Line Park
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
West Village (Greenwich Village): High Line Park
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
West Village (Greenwich Village): High Line Park
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
West Village (Greenwich Village): Washington Street und High Line Park
| Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Washington Street | West Village |
25.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park
West Village (Greenwich Village): High Line Park
05.03.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Das Rockefeller Center
Blick vom Rockefeller Center "Top Of The Rock"
Manhattan Downtown, rechts davor Greenwich Village. Im Hintergrund die Upper Bay, rechts Liberty Island mit der Freiheitsstatue, dahinter Staten Island. Links das Empire State Building.
| Empire State Building | Freiheitsstatue | Greenwich Village | Liberty Island | Manhattan | Rockefeller Center | Staten Island | Upper Bay |
05.03.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Das Rockefeller Center
Blick vom Rockefeller Center "Top Of The Rock"
Upper Bay mit Liberty Island und der Freiheitsstatue in der Bildmitte, rechts davor Ellis Island, davor der Hudson River. Links Manhattan Downtown, davor Greenwich Village, am rechten Bildrand der Goldman Sachs Tower in Jersey City (New Jersey). Im Hintergrund Staten Island.
| Ellis Island | Freiheitsstatue | Greenwich Village | Hudson River | Liberty Island | Manhattan | Rockefeller Center | Staten Island | Upper Bay |
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: First Presbyterian Church
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: Fifth Avenue, Washington Arch, Washington Square Park
| Fifth Avenue | Greenwich Village | Washington Arch | Washington Square Park |
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: Washington Arch, Washington Square Park
| Greenwich Village | Washington Arch | Washington Square Park |
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: Washington Arch
Im Hintergrund die Fifth Avenue.
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: Washington Square Park
"Yesterday's News": A public space performance by Dan McKereghan. "On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month".
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: Washington Square Park
"Yesterday's News": A public space performance by Dan McKereghan. "On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month". Im Vordergrund die Titelseite der "New York Times" vom 10. Juli 2006 (mit dem Titelgewinn Italiens bei der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft in Deutschland).
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: Sixth Avenue
Im Hintergrund in der Bildmitte das Jefferson Market Courthouse.
| Greenwich Village | Jefferson Market Courthouse | Sixth Avenue |
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: Christopher Park: "Gay Liberation" von George Segal
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village: Christopher Park: "Gay Liberation" von George Segal
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village
11.11.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village