Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika | New York City | 42nd Street

West 42nd Street  New York City

26.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Rund um den Times Square

West 42nd Street

Rechts The Knickerbocker Hotel. Links 4 Times Square (Condé Nast Building) und Bank of America Tower. Nachtaufnahme.

| 4 Times Square (Condé Nast Building) | 42nd Street | Bank of America Tower | The Knickerbocker Hotel | Times Square | West 42nd Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1900375)

6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas): 1095 Avenue of the Americas (links) und Bank of America Tower (rechts) New York City

27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Rund um die 6h Avenue und die 7th Avenue

6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas): 1095 Avenue of the Americas (links) und Bank of America Tower (rechts)

Rechts oben das 1133 Avenue of the Americas (Interchem Building). Links oberhalb der Bildmitte die Spitze des Empire State Building.In der Bildmitte die West 42nd Street, der Bush Tower (Bush Terminal International Exhibit Building) und der Times Square Tower.

| 1095 Avenue of the Americas | 1133 Avenue of the Americas (Interchem Building) | 42nd Street | 6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas) | Bank of America Tower | Bush Tower | Empire State Building | Times Square Tower | West 42nd Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1900435)

Manhattan Midtown: 42nd Street - W. R. Grace Building und HBO Building (vorne) New York City

23.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Bei Nacht 2

Manhattan Midtown: 42nd Street - W. R. Grace Building und HBO Building (vorne)

| 42nd Street | HBO Building | Manhattan | Midtown | W. R. Grace Building |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1201935)

Manhattan Midtown: 42nd Street New York City

24.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Bei Nacht 2

Manhattan Midtown: 42nd Street

Links das 6 Times Square (Newsweek Building, Knickerbocker Building).

| 42nd Street | Manhattan | Midtown | Newsweek Building | Times Square |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1201940)

Manhattan Midtown: 42nd Street - 6 Times Square (Newsweek Building, Knickerbocker Building). New York City

24.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Bei Nacht 2

Manhattan Midtown: 42nd Street - 6 Times Square (Newsweek Building, Knickerbocker Building).

| 42nd Street | Manhattan | Midtown | Newsweek Building | Times Square |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1201941)

Blick aus dem Hilton Times Square: Manhattan Midtown - 42nd Street New York City

24.06.2012 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Rund um den Times Square

Blick aus dem Hilton Times Square: Manhattan Midtown - 42nd Street

Unten rechts Madame Tussauds.

| 42nd Street | Hilton Times Square | Madame Tussauds | Manhattan | Midtown | Times Square |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1202087)

42nd Street New York City

05.03.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Hell's Kitchen und Umgebung

42nd Street

In der Bildmitte im Hintergrund das Chrysler Building.

| 42nd Street | Chrysler Building |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 30831)

42nd Street New York City

05.03.2006 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Bei Nacht 1

42nd Street

Rechts das Reuters Building, am Ende der Straße rechts das Chrysler Building.

| 42nd Street | Chrysler Building | Thompson Reuters Building |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 31035)