Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika | New York City | 1177 Avenue of the Americas (Americas Tower)

6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas) / West 45th Street New York City

27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Rund um die 6h Avenue und die 7th Avenue

6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas) / West 45th Street

In der Bildmitte das 1155 Avenue of the Americas, links davon das 1133 Avenue of the Americas (Interchem Building) und der Bank of America Tower. Rechts der 1177 Avenue of the Americas (Americas Tower).

| 1133 Avenue of the Americas (Interchem Building) | 1155 Avenue of the Americas | 1177 Avenue of the Americas (Americas Tower) | 45th Street | 6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas) | Bank of America Tower | West 45th Street |

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