Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika | New York City | West 34th Street

West 34th Street New York City

26.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Rund um die Fifth Avenue

West 34th Street

In der Bildmitte das Macy's Herald Square. Im Hintergrund der Nelson Tower.

| 34th Street | Herald Square | Macy's Herald Square | Nelson Tower | Nelson Tower | West 34th Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1900363)

6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas) / West 34th Street / Herald Square New York City

27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Rund um die 6h Avenue und die 7th Avenue

6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas) / West 34th Street / Herald Square

In der Bildmitte das Herald Center, rechts das Macy's Herald Square.

| 34th Street | 6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas) | Herald Center | Herald Square | Macy's Herald Square | West 34th Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1900437)

West 34th Street New York City

27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Das Empire State Building

West 34th Street

In der Bildmitte das Empire State Building. Links das Marbridge Building, rechts das Herald Towers (Hotel McAlpin).

| 34th Street | Empire State Building | Herald Towers | Marbridge Building | West 34th Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1900481)