Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika | New York City | West 30th Street

Blick vom High Line Park: West 30th Street New York City

11.04.2024 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park

Blick vom High Line Park: West 30th Street

In der Bildmitte das 15 Hudson Yards, rechts The Shed.

| 15 Hudson Yards | High Line Park | The Shed | West 30th Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 2404934)

High Line Park: Skulptur Old Tree (von Pamela Rosenkranz) New York City

11.04.2024 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park

High Line Park: Skulptur Old Tree (von Pamela Rosenkranz)

Im Hintergrund die West 30th Street.

| High Line Park | Skulptur Old Tree (von Pamela Rosenkranz) | West 30th Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 2404935)

High Line Park: Skulptur Old Tree (von Pamela Rosenkranz) New York City

11.04.2024 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park

High Line Park: Skulptur Old Tree (von Pamela Rosenkranz)

Im Hintergrund und unten die West 30th Street.

| High Line Park | Skulptur Old Tree (von Pamela Rosenkranz) | West 30th Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 2404936)

Chelsea: West 30th Street - Hudson Yards New York City

27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Hudson Yards und Edge

Chelsea: West 30th Street - Hudson Yards

V.l.: 10 Hudson Yards, 35 Hudson Yards und 30 Hudson Yards.

| 10 Hudson Yards | 30 Hudson Yards | 35 Hudson Yards | Chelsea | Hudson Yards | West 30th Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1900393)

Chelsea: West 30th Street - Hudson Yards: 10 Hudson Yards (links) und 30 Hudson Yards New York City

27.01.2019 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Hudson Yards und Edge

Chelsea: West 30th Street - Hudson Yards: 10 Hudson Yards (links) und 30 Hudson Yards

Rechts 3 Manhattan West (The Eugene).

| 10 Hudson Yards | 30 Hudson Yards | Chelsea | Hudson Yards | Manhattan West | The Eugene (3 Manhattan West) | West 30th Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 1900394)