06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Old Town: Edinburgh Castle
Im Vordergrund die Castle Esplanade.
| Edinburgh Castle | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Old Town: Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle | Old Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Edinburgh Castle
| Edinburgh Castle |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von der Castle Esplanade
| Castle Esplanade |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
V.l.: Castle Esplanade, Old Town, Holyrood Park, Lauriston, Edinburgh Castle
Panorama (bestehend aus 37 Einzelaufnahmen, 36228 x 5122 Pixel Originalgröße).
| Castle Esplanade | Edinburgh Castle | Holyrood Park | Lauriston | Old Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 1: Old Town 1 (Edinburgh Castle)
Blick von Edinburgh Castle: New Town
Panorama (bestehend aus 17 Einzelaufnahmen, 16739 x 2775 Pixel Originalgröße). Oben der Firth of Forth, unten die Princes Street Gardens. Rechts Calton Hill, Old Town und Edinburgh Castle.
| Calton Hill | Edinburgh Castle | Firth of Forth | New Town | Old Town | Princes Street Gardens |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Castle Esplanade
In der Bildmitte The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church). Links Ramsay Garden.
| Castle Esplanade | Old Town | Ramsay Garden | The Hub |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Castle Esplanade
In der Bildmitte The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church). Links Ramsay Garden. Rechts oben Holyrood Park.
| Castle Esplanade | Holyrood Park | Old Town | Ramsay Garden | The Hub |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Castle Esplanade
| Castle Esplanade | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Blick von der Castle Esplanade (Old Town): Princes Street Gardens, Princes Street, New Town
Oben der Firth of Forth.
| Castle Esplanade | Firth of Forth | New Town | Old Town | Princes Street | Princes Street Gardens |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Blick von der Castle Esplanade (Old Town): New Town mit St Andrew's and St George's West Church und Melville Monument
Oben der Firth of Forth.
| Castle Esplanade | Firth of Forth | Melville Monument | New Town | Old Town | St Andrew's and St George's West Church |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Blick von der Castle Esplanade (Old Town): New Town
Oben der Firth of Forth.
| Castle Esplanade | Firth of Forth | New Town | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Blick von der Castle Esplanade (Old Town): Edinburgh College of Art
Rechts oberhalb der Bildmitte die Barclay Viewforth Church, rechts daneben die Bruntsfield Evangelical Church.
| Barclay Viewforth Church | Bruntsfield Evangelical Church | Castle Esplanade | Edinburgh College of Art | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Blick von der Castle Esplanade (Old Town): Old Town
In der Bildmitte die Kuppel des Old College (University of Edinburgh), links davon die Central Library. Im Hintergrund der Holyrood Park.
| Castle Esplanade | Central Library | Holyrood Park | Old College | Old Town | University of Edinburgh |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Blick von der Castle Esplanade (Old Town): Old Town mit Greyfriars Kirkyard und Greyfriars Kirk
Rechts oberhalb der Bildmitte die Kuppel der McEwan Hall.
| Castle Esplanade | Greyfriars Kirk | Greyfriars Kirkyard | McEwan Hall | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Blick von der Castle Esplanade (Old Town): Old Town mit George Heriot's School
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Blick von der Castle Esplanade (Old Town): Argyle House (rechts unten)
Links oben (v.l.) das Edinburgh College of Art, die Barclay Viewforth Church und die Bruntsfield Evangelical Church.
| Argyle House | Barclay Viewforth Church | Bruntsfield Evangelical Church | Castle Esplanade | Edinburgh College of Art | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Castle Esplanade, The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church)
| Castle Esplanade | Old Town | The Hub |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Castlehill (Royal Mile), The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church)
| Castlehill | Old Town | Royal Mile | The Hub |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Castlehill (Royal Mile), The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church)
Rechts The Witchery by the Castle.
| Castlehill | Old Town | Royal Mile | The Hub | The Witchery by the Castle |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Lawnmarket / Castlehill (Royal Mile), The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church)
| Castlehill | Lawnmarket | Old Town | Royal Mile | The Hub |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church)
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Lawnmarket / High Street (Royal Mile)
Rechts unten der High Court of Justiciary.
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Castlehill (Royal Mile) - The Witchery by the Castle
| Castlehill | Old Town | Royal Mile | The Witchery by the Castle |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Lawnmarket (Royal Mile)
| Lawnmarket | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: High Street / Lawnmarket (Royal Mile)
Rechts unten die David Hume Statue.
| David Hume Statue | High Street | Lawnmarket | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Parliament Square - Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue
Links das Parliament House. Im Hintergrund rechts die High Street (Royal Mile) mit dem High Court of Justiciary, links der Lawnmarket.
| High Court of Justiciary | High Street | Lawnmarket | Old Town | Parliament House | Parliament Square | Royal Mile | Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: George IV Bridge - Parliament House
| George IV Bridge | Old Town | Parliament House |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile)
Rechts das Parliament House. In der Bildmitte der Parliament Square mit der Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue und der St Giles' Cathedral. Links im Hintergrund die Tron Kirk. Links unten die David Hume Statue.
| David Hume Statue | High Street | Old Town | Parliament House | Parliament Square | Royal Mile | St Giles' Cathedral | Tron Kirk | Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) / Parliament Square - St Giles' Cathedral
Rechts die Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue und das Parliament House. Links im Hintergrund die Tron Kirk.
| High Street | Old Town | Parliament House | Parliament Square | Royal Mile | St Giles' Cathedral | Tron Kirk | Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) / Parliament Square - Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue
Im Hintergrund die St Giles' Cathedral.
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Parliament Square - Mercat Cross of Edinburgh
Im Hintergrund die St Giles' Cathedral.
| Mercat Cross of Edinburgh | Old Town | Parliament Square | St Giles' Cathedral |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
Old Town: Parliament Square - Adam Smith Statue
Im Hintergrund das Parliament House, die St Giles' Cathedral und das Mercat Cross of Edinburgh. Rechts die High Street (Royal Mile).
| Adam Smith Statue | High Street | Mercat Cross of Edinburgh | Old Town | Parliament House | Parliament Square | Royal Mile | St Giles' Cathedral |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
St Giles' Cathedral
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
St Giles' Cathedral
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
St Giles' Cathedral
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
St Giles' Cathedral
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
St Giles' Cathedral
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
St Giles' Cathedral
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
St Giles' Cathedral
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
St Giles' Cathedral
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
St Giles' Cathedral
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 2: Old Town 2
St Giles' Cathedral
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - Edinburgh City Chambers (ehem. Royal Exchange)
| Edinburgh City Chambers | High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Parliament Square - Parliament House
Rechts unten das Reiterdenkmal von Charles II of Scotland.
| Old Town | Parliament House | Parliament Square | Reiterdenkmal von Charles II of Scotland |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Parliament Square - Mercat Cross of Edinburgh
Im Hintergrund die Edinburgh City Chambers (ehem. Royal Exchange).
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Bank Street - Bank of Scotland Head Office
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Lawnmarket (Royal Mile) - Deacon Brodies Tavern
Rechts im Hintergrund das Bank of Scotland Head Office.
| Bank of Scotland Head Office | Deacon Brodies Tavern | Lawnmarket | Old Town | Royal Mile |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: George IV Bridge
Links die National Library of Scotland und die Augustine United Church. In der Bildmitte das Bedlam Theatre (ehem. New North Free Church).
| Augustine United Church | Bedlam Theatre | George IV Bridge | National Library of Scotland | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: George IV Bridge
Links die National Library of Scotland und die Augustine United Church. In der Bildmitte das Bedlam Theatre (ehem. New North Free Church).
| Augustine United Church | Bedlam Theatre | George IV Bridge | National Library of Scotland | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Hunter Square - The Advocate
| Hunter Square | Old Town | The Advocate |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Hunter Square - Gold Post Box
This post box has been painted gold by Royal Mail to celebrate Chris Hoy, Gold Medal winner, London 2012 Olympic Games. Im Hintergrund The Tron.
| Hunter Square | Old Town | The Tron |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile)
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Hunter Square - Fahrräder
| Hunter Square | Old Town |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - Dudelsack-Spieler
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - Dudelsack-Orchester
Rechts die Adam Smith Statue.
| Adam Smith Statue | High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - Dudelsack-Orchester
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - Dudelsack-Orchester
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - Tron Kirk
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile | Tron Kirk |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - Tron Kirk
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile | Tron Kirk |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - Tron Kirk
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile | Tron Kirk |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town / New Town: North Bridge
In der Bildmitte das General Register House (National Records of Scotland, National Archives of Scotland), links davon The Balmoral, rechts davon das ehem. Main Post Office.
| General Register House | Main Post Office | National Archives of Scotland | National Records of Scotland | New Town | North Bridge | Old Town | The Balmoral |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Cockburn Street
| Cockburn Street | Old Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Market Street
| Market Street | Old Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Market Street / Cockburn Street
| Cockburn Street | Market Street | Old Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Cockburn Street
| Cockburn Street | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - The Mitre Bar
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile | The Mitre Bar |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - The Royal Mile
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile | The Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - Telefonzelle
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile)
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - The Nutcracker Christmas Shop
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile | The Nutcracker Christmas Shop |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile)
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile)
Rechts im Hintergrund der Turm der Tron Kirk.
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile | Tron Kirk |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - The World's End
| High Street | Old Town | Royal Mile | The World's End |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: St Mary's Street
| Old Town | St Mary's Street |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Calton Hill
Oben v.l.: Political Martyrs' Monument, Governor's House, Dugald Stewart Monument, St Andrew's House und Nelson Monument. Unten Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station.
| Calton Hill | Dugald Stewart Monument | Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station | Governor's House | Nelson Monument | Political Martyrs' Monument | St Andrew's House |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Calton Hill mit Political Martyrs' Monument und Governor's House
Unten Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station.
| Calton Hill | Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station | Governor's House | Political Martyrs' Monument |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
New Town: Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station, North Bridge
Links oben das Scott Monument. Rechts oben The Balmoral (links) und das ehem. Main Post Office.
| Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station | Main Post Office | New Town | North Bridge | Scott Monument | The Balmoral |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile)
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - The People's Story
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile | The People's Story |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - The People's Story
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile | The People's Story |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 3: Old Town 3
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile)
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - Robert Fergusson Statue
Rechts die Kirk of the Canongate.
| Canongate | Kirk of the Canongate | Old Town | Robert Fergusson Statue | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - Kirk of the Canongate
| Canongate | Kirk of the Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Kirk of the Canongate
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Kirk of the Canongate: Flaggen
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Kirk of the Canongate: Flaggen
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Kirk of the Canongate
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Kirk of the Canongate
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Kirk of the Canongate
| Canongate | Kirk of the Canongate | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate Kirkyard
| Canongate | Canongate Kirkyard | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile)
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - The Fudge House
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile | The Fudge House |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - White Horse Close
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile | White Horse Close |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile)
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Calton Hill: Old Royal High School (New Parliament House)
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Calton Hill: Robert Burns Monument
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - Whitefoord House
Links im Hintergrund das Robert Burns Monument.
| Canongate | Old Town | Robert Burns Monument | Royal Mile | Whitefoord House |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - White Horse Close
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile | White Horse Close |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - Scottish Parliament Building (Queensbery House)
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile | Scottish Parliament Building |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - Scottish Parliament Building (Cannongate Building)
Links im Hintergrund der Palace of Holyroodhouse.
| Canongate | Old Town | Palace of Holyroodhouse | Royal Mile | Scottish Parliament Building |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Canongate (Royal Mile) - Scottish Parliament Building
| Canongate | Old Town | Royal Mile | Scottish Parliament Building |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Horse Wynd - Scottish Parliament Building
Im Hintergrund der Holyrood Park.
| Holyrood Park | Horse Wynd | Old Town | Scottish Parliament Building |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Horse Wynd - Queen's Gallery (ehem. Holyrood Free Church)
| Horse Wynd | Old Town | Queen's Gallery |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Abbey Strand
| Abbey Strand | Old Town |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Abbey Strand
In der Bildmitte der Palace of Holyroodhouse, rechts die Queen's Gallery (ehem. Holyrood Free Church).
| Abbey Strand | Old Town | Palace of Holyroodhouse | Queen's Gallery |
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Palace of Holyroodhouse
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Palace of Holyroodhouse
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Holyrood Abbey (Palace of Holyroodhouse)
06.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Abbey Strand - Queen's Gallery (ehem. Holyrood Free Church)
| Abbey Strand | Old Town | Queen's Gallery |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile)
Rechts The Inn On The Mile, links daneben das Radisson Blu Hotel. Nachtaufnahme.
| High Street | Old Town | Radisson Blu Hotel | Royal Mile | The Inn On The Mile |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Parliament Square - Adam Smith Statue
Im Hintergrund die St Giles' Cathedral und das Mercat Cross of Edinburgh. Rechts die High Street (Royal Mile). Nachtaufnahme.
| Adam Smith Statue | High Street | Mercat Cross of Edinburgh | Old Town | Parliament Square | Royal Mile | St Giles' Cathedral |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) / Parliament Square - Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue
Im Hintergrund das Parliament House. Nachtaufnahme.
| High Street | Old Town | Parliament House | Parliament Square | Royal Mile | Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile)
Rechts das Parliament House. In der Bildmitte der Parliament Square mit der Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue und der St Giles' Cathedral. Nachtaufnahme.
| High Street | Old Town | Parliament House | Parliament Square | Royal Mile | St Giles' Cathedral | Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: High Street (Royal Mile) - David Hume Statue
Rechts das Parliament House sowie der Parliament Square mit der Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue und der St Giles' Cathedral. Nachtaufnahme.
| David Hume Statue | High Street | Old Town | Parliament House | Parliament Square | Royal Mile | St Giles' Cathedral | Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Statue |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Bank Street - Bank of Scotland Head Office
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Bank Street - Bank of Scotland Head Office
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Lawnmarket (Royal Mile) - Deacon Brodies Tavern
| Deacon Brodies Tavern | Lawnmarket | Old Town | Royal Mile |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Lawnmarket (Royal Mile) - Jolly Judge
| Jolly Judge | Lawnmarket | Old Town | Royal Mile |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Old Town: Castlehill (Royal Mile)
| Castlehill | Old Town | Royal Mile |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Blick von der Castle Esplanade (Old Town): Princes Street Gardens, Princes Street, New Town
| Castle Esplanade | New Town | Old Town | Princes Street | Princes Street Gardens |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 4: Old Town 4
Blick von der Castle Esplanade (Old Town): Princes Street Gardens, Princes Street, New Town
| Castle Esplanade | New Town | Old Town | Princes Street | Princes Street Gardens |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: South St David Street, Scott Monument
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Scott Monument
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Scott Monument mit der Sir Walter Scott Statue
Im Hintergrund The Balmoral.
| New Town | Princes Street Gardens | Scott Monument | Sir Walter Scott Statue | The Balmoral |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Scott Monument mit der Sir Walter Scott Statue
Im Hintergrund The Balmoral.
| New Town | Princes Street Gardens | Scott Monument | Sir Walter Scott Statue | The Balmoral |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Scott Monument mit der Sir Walter Scott Statue
Im Hintergrund The Balmoral.
| New Town | Princes Street Gardens | Scott Monument | Sir Walter Scott Statue | The Balmoral |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Scott Monument mit der Sir Walter Scott Statue
| New Town | Princes Street Gardens | Scott Monument | Sir Walter Scott Statue |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Scott Monument
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens und Scottish National Gallery (rechts)
Oben die Old Town mit v.l. New College (University of Edinburgh), Ramsay Garden und Edinburgh Castle.
| Edinburgh Castle | New College | New Town | Old Town | Princes Street Gardens | Ramsay Garden | Scottish National Gallery | University of Edinburgh |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens und Scottish National Gallery (rechts)
Oben die Old Town mit v.l. The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church), New College (University of Edinburgh), Ramsay Garden und Edinburgh Castle.
| Edinburgh Castle | New College | New Town | Old Town | Princes Street Gardens | Ramsay Garden | Scottish National Gallery | The Hub | University of Edinburgh |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
Old Town (v.l.): Bank of Scotland Head Office, New College (University of Edinburgh) und Edinburgh Castle
| Bank of Scotland Head Office | Edinburgh Castle | New College | Old Town | University of Edinburgh |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
Old Town: The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church) (links) und New College (University of Edinburgh)
| New College | Old Town | The Hub | University of Edinburgh |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
Old Town: Bank of Scotland Head Office
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
Old Town: Bank of Scotland Head Office
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens und Scottish National Gallery
Oben die Old Town mit dem Edinburgh Castle auf dem Castle Rock.
| Castle Rock | Edinburgh Castle | New Town | Old Town | Princes Street Gardens | Scottish National Gallery |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens und Scottish National Gallery
Oben die Old Town mit dem Ramsay Garden.
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens und Scottish National Gallery
Oben die Old Town mit dem Ramsay Garden und Edinburgh Castle.
| Edinburgh Castle | New Town | Old Town | Princes Street Gardens | Ramsay Garden | Scottish National Gallery |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens und Scottish National Gallery
Oben die Old Town mit dem Edinburgh Castle.
| Edinburgh Castle | New Town | Old Town | Princes Street Gardens | Scottish National Gallery |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Waterloo Place / Princes Street
Links v.l. das ehem. Main Post Office, The Balmoral und das Scott Monument.
| Main Post Office | New Town | Princes Street | Scott Monument | The Balmoral | Waterloo Place |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Waterloo Place - Regent Bridge
| New Town | Regent Bridge | Waterloo Place |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street / Waterloo Place - General Register House (Nat. Records of Scotland, Nat. Archives of Scotland)
Rechts unten die Duke of Wellington Statue.
| Duke of Wellington Statue | General Register House | National Archives of Scotland | National Records of Scotland | New Town | Princes Street | Waterloo Place |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: North Bridge
In der Bildmitte das General Register House (National Records of Scotland, National Archives of Scotland), links davon The Balmoral, rechts davon das ehem. Main Post Office.
| General Register House | Main Post Office | National Archives of Scotland | National Records of Scotland | New Town | North Bridge | The Balmoral |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station
Oben der Calton Hill mit v.l. Political Martyrs' Monument, City Observatory, Governor's House, Nelson Monument und St Andrew's House.
| Calton Hill | City Observatory | Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station | Governor's House | Nelson Monument | New Town | Political Martyrs' Monument | St Andrew's House |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station
Oben der Calton Hill mit v.l. Political Martyrs' Monument, City Observatory, Governor's House, Nelson Monument und St Andrew's House.
| Calton Hill | City Observatory | Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station | Governor's House | Nelson Monument | New Town | Political Martyrs' Monument | St Andrew's House |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station
Links die Market Street. Oben in der Bildmitte das Scott Monument.
| Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station | Market Street | New Town | Scott Monument |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Bahngleise zur Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station
Oben in der Bildmitte die Scottish National Gallery.
| Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station | New Town | Princes Street Gardens | Scottish National Gallery |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Bahngleise zur Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station
Oben die Scottish National Gallery.
| Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station | New Town | Princes Street Gardens | Scottish National Gallery |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens
Oben die Old Town mit dem Bank of Scotland Head Office und dem New College (University of Edinburgh).
| Bank of Scotland Head Office | New College | New Town | Old Town | Princes Street Gardens | University of Edinburgh |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens
Im Hintergrund der Castle Rock mit dem Edinburgh Castle.
| Castle Rock | Edinburgh Castle | New Town | Princes Street Gardens |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens mit dem Ross Fountain (links)
Im Hintergrund der Castle Rock mit dem Edinburgh Castle.
| Castle Rock | Edinburgh Castle | New Town | Princes Street Gardens | Ross Fountain |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Ross Fountain
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Ross Fountain
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens - Ross Fountain
Links im Hintergrund die Church of St John the Evangelist.
| Church of St John the Evangelist | New Town | Princes Street Gardens | Ross Fountain |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens
Im Hintergrund der Castle Rock mit dem Edinburgh Castle.
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street Gardens
Im Hintergrund der Castle Rock mit dem Edinburgh Castle.
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: St Cuthbert's Church
| New Town | St Cuthbert's Church |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: St Cuthbert's Church
| New Town | St Cuthbert's Church |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: St Cuthbert's Church
| New Town | St Cuthbert's Church |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Church of St John the Evangelist
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Dean Ramsey Memorial
| New Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 5: New Town 1
New Town: Princes Street - Church of St John the Evangelist
Rechts im Hintergrund das Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh - The Caledonian.
| Church of St John the Evangelist | New Town | Princes Street | Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh - The Caledonian |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square - Prince Albert Memorial und West Register House (National Archives of Scotland)
| Charlotte Square | National Archives of Scotland | New Town | Prince Albert Memorial | West Register House |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square - West Register House (National Archives of Scotland)
| Charlotte Square | National Archives of Scotland | New Town | West Register House |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square - West Register House (National Archives of Scotland)
| Charlotte Square | National Archives of Scotland | New Town | West Register House |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square - Prince Albert Memorial
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square - Prince Albert Memorial
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square - Prince Albert Memorial
Im Hintergrund die George Street.
| Charlotte Square | George Street | New Town | Prince Albert Memorial |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square - Prince Albert Memorial
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square
| Charlotte Square | New Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square
In der Bildmitte das Bute House.
| Bute House | Charlotte Square | New Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square
In der Bildmitte das Bute House.
| Bute House | Charlotte Square | New Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Charlotte Square
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Rose Street
| New Town | Rose Street |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - Church of Scotland Offices
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - Thomas Chalmers Statue
Rechts der Turm der St Andrew's and St George's West Church und das Melville Monument.
| George Street | Melville Monument | New Town | St Andrew's and St George's West Church | Thomas Chalmers Statue |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Castle Street
In der Bildmitte der Castle Rock mit dem Edinburgh Castle.
| Castle Rock | Castle Street | Edinburgh Castle | New Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - Freemasons Hall
| Freemasons Hall | George Street | New Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - Northern Lighthouse Board Headquarters
| George Street | New Town | Northern Lighthouse Board Headquarters |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street
| George Street | New Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - William Pitt Statue
In der Bildmitte der Turm der St Andrew's and St George's West Church und das Melville Monument.
| George Street | Melville Monument | New Town | St Andrew's and St George's West Church | William Pitt Statue |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - William Pitt Statue
Rechts unten der Turm der St Andrew's and St George's West Church und das Melville Monument.
| George Street | Melville Monument | New Town | St Andrew's and St George's West Church | William Pitt Statue |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - William Pitt Statue
Im Hintergrund die Frederick Street.
| Frederick Street | George Street | New Town | William Pitt Statue |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Frederick Street
Im Hintergrund die Old Town mit dem Edinburgh Castle.
| Edinburgh Castle | Frederick Street | New Town | Old Town |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Frederick Street
Im Hintergrund Stockbridge mit der St Stephen's Church.
| Frederick Street | New Town | St Stephen's Church | Stockbridge |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - King George IV Statue
Rechts der Turm der St Andrew's and St George's West Church.
| George Street | King George IV Statue | New Town | St Andrew's and St George's West Church |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Hanover Street
In der Bildmitte das Royal Scottish Academy Building (unten) und The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church). Rechts die Lloyds TSB Scotland Bank.
| Hanover Street | Lloyds TSB Scotland Bank | New Town | Royal Scottish Academy Building | The Hub |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: Hanover Street, Royal Scottish Academy Building
Oben die Old Town mit The Hub (ehem. Highland Tolbooth St John’s Church).
| Hanover Street | New Town | Old Town | Royal Scottish Academy Building | The Hub |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - Hard Rock Cafe
Links The Dome.
| George Street | Hard Rock Cafe | New Town | The Dome |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - The Dome
| George Street | New Town | The Dome |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - St Andrew's and St George's West Church
| George Street | New Town | St Andrew's and St George's West Church |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - Statue of James Clerk Maxwell
Rechts der St Andrew Square mit dem Melville Monument.
| George Street | Melville Monument | New Town | St Andrew Square | Statue of James Clerk Maxwell |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - Statue of James Clerk Maxwell
| George Street | New Town | Statue of James Clerk Maxwell |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: George Street - Statue of James Clerk Maxwell
Rechts das Melville Monument.
| George Street | Melville Monument | New Town | Statue of James Clerk Maxwell |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: St Andrew Square - Melville Monument
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: St Andrew Square - Dundas House (Royal Bank of Scotland)
| Dundas House | New Town | St Andrew Square |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: St Andrew Square
| New Town | St Andrew Square |
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: St Andrew Square - Melville Monument
09.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 6: New Town 2
New Town: St Andrew Square - Melville Monument
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Nelson Monument
| Calton Hill | Nelson Monument |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Nelson Monument
| Calton Hill | Nelson Monument |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Nelson Monument
| Calton Hill | Nelson Monument |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Nelson Monument
| Calton Hill | Nelson Monument |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
| Nelson Monument |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
| Nelson Monument |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
| Nelson Monument |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
| Nelson Monument |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Old Calton Burial Ground (Old Calton Cemetery)
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Old Calton Burial Ground (Old Calton Cemetery)
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Old Calton Burial Ground (Old Calton Cemetery)
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Old Calton Burial Ground (Old Calton Cemetery)
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Old Calton Burial Ground (Old Calton Cemetery)
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Old Calton Burial Ground (Old Calton Cemetery)
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Old Calton Burial Ground (Old Calton Cemetery)
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill: Old Calton Burial Ground (Old Calton Cemetery)
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Calton Hill
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick von Calton Hill
Panorama (bestehend aus 15 Einzelaufnahmen, 15959 x 2825 Pixel Originalgröße). Ganz links der Firth of Forth, rechts davon der Holyrood Park, darunter der Palace of Holyroodhouse, das Scottish Parliament Building und das Our Dynamic Earth (weißes Dach). Rechts im Anschluss die Old Town mit der Royal Mile. Rechts Edinburgh Castle, darunter die North Bridge über die Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station und das St Andrew's House. Ganz rechts das Nelson Monument.
| Calton Hill | Edinburgh Castle | Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station | Firth of Forth | Holyrood Park | Nelson Monument | North Bridge | Old Town | Our Dynamic Earth | Palace of Holyroodhouse | Royal Mile | Scottish Parliament Building | St Andrew's House |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick vom Nelson Monument: Calton Hill
Panorama (bestehend aus 17 Einzelaufnahmen, 24536 x 3101 Pixel Originalgröße). Links Edinburgh Castle, darunter die North Bridge über die Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station, der Old Calton Burial Ground und das St Andrew's House. Rechts davon die Princes Street und die New Town. Oben der Firth of Forth mit der Insel Inchkeith. Auf dem Calton Hill (v.l.) das Dugald Stewart Monument, das City Observatory und das National Monument of Scotland. Rechts von der Holyrood Park, darunter der Palace of Holyroodhouse, das Scottish Parliament Building und das Our Dynamic Earth (weißes Dach). Darunter, am Fuße von Calton Hill, das Old Royal High School, rechts davon die Kirk of the Canongate und das Canongate Kirkyard an der Royal Mile in der Old Town. Rechts Edinburgh Castle, darunter die North Bridge über die Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station, der Old Calton Burial Ground und das St Andrew's House.
| Calton Hill | Canongate | Canongate Kirkyard | City Observatory | Dugald Stewart Monument | Edinburgh Castle | Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station | Firth of Forth | Holyrood Park | Kirk of the Canongate | National Monument of Scotland | Nelson Monument | New Town | North Bridge | Old Calton Burial Ground | Old Royal High School | Old Town | Our Dynamic Earth | Palace of Holyroodhouse | Princes Street | Royal Mile | Scottish Parliament Building | St Andrew's House |
10.05.2015 | Schottland (City of Edinburgh) - Edinburgh 7: Calton Hill
Blick von Calton Hill
Panorama (bestehend aus 19 Einzelaufnahmen, 24611 x 3266 Pixel Originalgröße). Links der Calton Hill mit dem Dugald Stewart Monument. Rechts davon die Old Town mit Edinburgh Castle. Darunter die New Town mit dem Turm des The Balmoral, rechts davon das Scott Monument. Rechts davon das St James Shopping Centre, darunter das Rockstar North Office Building und das Omni Centre, zwischen den beiden oberhalb die St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral (links) und die St Paul's and St George's Church. Oben der Firth of Forth mit der Insel Inchkeith. Ganz rechts das Easter Road Stadium.
| Calton Hill | Dugald Stewart Monument | Easter Road Stadium | Edinburgh Castle | Firth of Forth | New Town | Old Town | Omni Centre | Rockstar North Office Building | Scott Monument | St James Shopping Centre | St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral | St Paul's and St George's Church | The Balmoral |