Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika | New York City | Gansevoort Market

Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District): Washington Street New York City

11.04.2024 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park

Greenwich Village: Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District): Washington Street

Unten der High Line Park. Rechts im Hintergrund das Whitney Museum of American Art.

| Gansevoort Market | Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District | Washington Street | Whitney Museum of American Art |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 2404851)

Blick vom High Line Park: Chelsea (links) / Greenwich Village - Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) mit West 14th Street New York City

11.04.2024 | New York - New York City: Manhattan - Midtown: Der High Line Park

Blick vom High Line Park: Chelsea (links) / Greenwich Village - Meatpacking District (Gansevoort Market Historic District) mit West 14th Street

| Chelsea | Gansevoort Market | Greenwich Village | High Line Park | Meatpacking District | West 14th Street |

Gehe zum Bild (Nummer 2404852)